
Findent - man page

FINDENT(1)                                User Commands                                FINDENT(1)

       findent - Indents, converts and relabels Fortran programs.

       findent [OPTION]...

       Findent reads from STDIN and writes to STDOUT.

       Findent  indents and optionally relabels a Fortran source.  Findent can convert from fixed
       form to free form and vice-versa, and can supplement single END statements, see 'Refactor'
       below.  Comment lines with '!' in column one are not indented.
        You can correct findent related indenting errors by inserting comment lines:
        !  findentfix: <fortran statement>
        where  <fortran statement> is for example DO, END, WHERE() etcetera.  Findent will adjust
       the indentation according to <fortran statement>.
        Errors in OPTIONS are silently ignored.
        Options marked with [NO_ENV] are ignored if given via environment variable FINDENT_FLAGS.
        In the long options, you can replace '_' with '-'.
        Below: <n> denotes an unsigned decimal number.
               <c> denotes a character.

   General options:
       -h, --help
              print this text. [NO_ENV]

       -H, --manpage
              print man page. [NO_ENV]

              print some background information. [NO_ENV]

              print ChangeLog. [NO_ENV]

       -v, --version
              prints findent version. [NO_ENV]

       -q, --query_fix_free
              guess free or fixed, prints 'fixed' or 'free' and exits. [NO_ENV]

               ' ': (default) do not change continuation characters.
               '0': create numbered continuation characters.
               other: use that continuation character.
               default for conversion from free to fixed is '&'.

              (0/1) 1: indent include statements to starting indent (default:0).

       -l<n>, --label_left=<n>
              (0/1) 1: move statement labels to start of line.
                    (default: free: 1, fixed: 0)

       -lastindent, --last_indent
              prints computed indentation of last line.
                    (for usage with vim) [NO_ENV]

       -lastusable, --last_usable
              prints line number of last line usable.
                    as start for indenting(for usage with vim). [NO_ENV]

       -iauto, --input_format=auto
              determine automatically input format (free or fixed).

       -ifixed, --input_format=fixed
              force input format fixed (default: auto).

       -ifree, --input_format=free
              force input format free (default:auto).

       -i-, --indent=none
              do not change indent (useful in combination with -R).

       -L<n>, --input_line_length=<n>
              use only first <n> characters of each line.
                    default=0: take whole lines.

       -L<n>g, --input_line_length=<n>g
              same as above, but use gfortran convention.
                    for counting the characters with tabbed lines.
                    example: --input_line_length=72g.

       -M<n>, --max_indent=<n>
              maximum output indent, default 100, 0: no limit.

       -ofixed, --output_format=fixed
              force fixed format output.

       -ofree, --output_format=free
              force free format output.

       -osame, --output_format=same
              output format same is input format.

              1/0: do/don't indent openmp conditionals (default: 1).
                    NOTE: for free format, the omp sentinel must be '!$ '.

       -Rr, --refactor_end
              refactor subroutines etc: the END line.
               of a subroutine, program etc. is, if possible, replaced by
               'end subroutine <name>' or
               'end function <name>' or
               'end procedure <name>' or
               'end program <name>' or
               'end block data <name>' or
               'end module <name>' or
               'end submodule <name>'
               'end interface <name>'
               'end type <name>'
               where <name> is the name of the appropriate procedure, subroutine etc.
               NOTE1: if the END line contains a continuation the results are undefined.
               NOTE2: a line like 'end function fun' will be replaced by.
                      'end subroutine sub' if the END line ends 'subroutine sub'.
               NOTE3: the flag --refactor_procedures is deprecated, use --refactor_end.

       -RR, --refactor_end=upcase
              same as -Rr, but 'END SUBROUTINE <name>'.  in stead of 'end subroutine <name>' etc.

              shuffles existing labels,
               primarily meant for demo and debugging.
               see also the notes under --relabel below.

       --relabel, --relabel=<n1>,<n2>
              renumber labels: n1 = starting index,
               n2 is increment (default:1000,10).
               if n1=0 or n2=0, relabeling is disabled.
               see also RELABEL below.
               NOTE1: use only SYNTAX-CORRECT SOURCES with this option.
               NOTE2: CHECK the functionality of your program after using this option.
               NOTE3: after finding an error (missing label, ill formatted label list, ...)
                      findent will stop relabeling, but will continue indenting
                      and/or converting.

              1: reset label numbering at start of subroutine/function/program.  0: do not  reset
              label numbering (default: 0).

              generate report. [NO_ENV]
               n=0, or flag omitted: do not generate report.
               n=1: generate summary (only error message or OK message).
               n=2: generate report of original and renumbered labels (default).
               NOTE: if n >= 0, no output of the fortran source.

              replace redundant white space with one space.
               n=0, or flag omitted: do not replace redundant spaces.
               NOTE1: use with care, avoid pieces of code with not terminated
                      strings and use Fortran code without syntax errors:
                      changes are irreversible.
               NOTE2: for statements containing an hollerith, this flag is ignored.

       --safe ignore next flags marked with [NO_ENV] (used by wfindent).

   Indenting options:
       -I<n>, --start_indent=<n>
              starting  indent (default:0).

       -Ia, --start_indent=a
              determine starting indent from first line.

       -i<n>, --indent=<n>
              all       indents except I,c,C,e (default: 3).

       -a<n>, --indent_associate=<n>
              ASSOCIATE    indent.

       -b<n>, --indent_block=<n>
              BLOCK        indent.

       -d<n>, --indent_do=<n>
              DO           indent.

       -f<n>, --indent_if=<n>
              IF           indent.

       -E<n>, --indent_enum=<n>
              ENUM         indent.

       -F<n>, --indent_forall=<n>
              FORALL       indent.

       -j<n>, --indent_interface=<n>
              INTERFACE    indent.

       -m<n>, --indent_module=<n>
              MODULE       indent.

       -r<n>, --indent_procedure=<n>
               SUBROUTINE and PROGRAM indent.

       -s<n>, --indent_select=<n>
              SELECT       indent.

       -t<n>, --indent_type=<n>
              TYPE         indent.

       -w<n>, --indent_where=<n>
              WHERE        indent.

       -x<n>, --indent_critical=<n>
              CRITICAL     indent.

              CHANGE TEAM  indent.

       -C-, --indent_contains=restart,
              restart indent after CONTAINS.

       -k<n>, --indent_continuation=<n>
              continuation indent except
                for lines starting with '&' (see flag -K).
                   NOTE: free to free only.

       -k-, --indent_continuation=none
              continuation lines not preceded
                by '&' are untouched.
                   NOTE: free to free only.

       -kd, --indent_continuation=default
              continuation lines not preceded
                by '&' are default indented.
                   NOTE: free to free only.

       -K, --indent_ampersand
              indent lines starting with '&' (free only).

              align continuation lines not preceded
                by '&' with preceding unmatched left parenthesis.
               n=0, or flag omitted: do not align.
               n=1: do align (default).
                   NOTE1: free to free only.
                   NOTE1: for statements containing an hollerith, this flag is ignored.

       Next defaults are: all - all/2.

       -c<n>, --indent_case=<n>
              CASE      negative indent.
                   NOTE: also for RANK, TYPEIS and CLASSIS.

       -C<n>, --indent_contains=<n>
              CONTAINS  negative indent.

       -e<n>, --indent_entry=<n>
              ENTRY     negative indent.

       --deps output dependency information only, other flags are ignored. [NO_ENV]
               This can be used to generate a dependencies file for usage with make(1).
               The format of this information:
               Fortran source      ->        findent output
                include "file1"    ->        inc file1
                #include "file2"   ->        cpp file2
                #include <file3>   ->        std file3
                ??include 'file4'  ->        coc file4
                use module1        ->        use module1
                submodule(m) subm  ->        use m
                                             mod m:subm
                module module2     ->        mod module2

              outputs a sh(1) script that serves as a an example
               to generate dependencies for use in make(1). [NO_ENV]

       findent parses the environment variable FINDENT_FLAGS before the command-line flags.

   Usage with vim:
              outputs directions to use findent in (g)vim. [NO_ENV]

              outputs file 'fortran.vim', see --vim_help. [NO_ENV]

              outputs file 'findent.vim', see --vim_help. [NO_ENV]

   Usage with gedit:
              outputs directions to use findent in gedit. [NO_ENV]

              outputs script 'findent-gedit', see --gedit_help. [NO_ENV]

              outputs file 'findent.plugin', see --gedit_help. [NO_ENV]

              outputs file 'python.py', see --gedit_help. [NO_ENV]

   Usage with emacs:
              outputs directions to use findent in emacs. [NO_ENV]

              outputs script 'findent.el', see --emacs_help. [NO_ENV]

   Self replication:
              outputs source tar ball to stdout [NO_ENV]
                Example: create the tar.gz file:
                   findent --selfrep > findent.tar.gz
                Example: create the unpacked source tar ball:
                   findent --selfrep | tar zxf -

       The following constructs are candidates for relabeling:
        - 100,110,120,130: label
        - X:         integer or real or logical expression
        - I:         identifier
        - [,]:       optional comma
        - ...:       not parsed by findent, can be anything except '=...'
        - [IF]:      optional IF(...)

        100 ...         ! statement or format label
        IF(...) 110,120,130
        IF(...) 110,120
        DO 100[,] I=X,...
        DO 100[,] WHILE(...)
        DO 100[,] CONCURRENT(...)
        DO 100
        [IF] ACCEPT 100...
        [IF] ASSIGN 100 TO I
        [IF] BACKSPACE(...,ERR=100,...)
        [IF] CALL I(...,*100,...,$110,...,&120,...)
        [IF] CLOSE(...,ERR=100,...)
        [IF] DECODE(...,100,...,ERR=110,...)
        [IF] DELETE(...,ERR=110,...)
        [IF] ENCODE(...,100,...,ERR=110,...)
        [IF] ENDFILE(...,ERR=100,...)
        [IF] FIND(...,ERR=110,...)
        [IF] FLUSH(...,ERR=100,...)
        [IF] GOTO 100
        [IF] GOTO I[,](100,110,120)
        [IF] GOTO(100,110,120)...
        [IF] INQUIRE(...,ERR=100,...)
        [IF] OPEN(...,ERR=100,...)
        [IF] PRINT 100...
        [IF] READ 100...
        [IF] READ(...,100,...)
        [IF] READ(...,ERR=100,...,END=110,EOR=120,...,FMT=130)...
        [IF] REREAD 100...
        [IF] REREAD(...,100,...)
        [IF] REREAD(...,ERR=100,...,END=110,EOR=120,...,FMT=130)...
        [IF] REWIND(...,ERR=100,...)
        [IF] REWRITE(...,100) ...
        [IF] REWRITE(...,ERR=100,...,FMT=110,...,EOR=120)...
        [IF] TYPE 100...
        [IF] WAIT(...,ERR=100,...,END=110,...,EOR=120,...)
        [IF] WRITE(...,100) ...
        [IF] WRITE(...,ERR=100,...,FMT=110,...,EOR=120)...

       Indent: findent < in.f > out.f
               findent -i2 -r0 < in.f > out.f

       Relabel: findent --relabel < in.f > out.f

       Convert fixed to free form: findent -ofree < prog.f > prog.f90

       Convert free to fixed form: findent -ofixed < prog.f90 > prog.f

       Refactor 'end': findent -Rr < in.f90 > out.f90

       NOTE: In PowerShell use something like:

       cat in.f | findent -i2 -r0 > out.f

       *      Also  for free-format, findent is space-insensitive, while the standard states that
              space must be used as general separator.

       *      There are some issues with labels in a continuation when converting  from  free  to
              fixed format.  For example:

               4 continue

              The problems arise because it is not possible to define a statement label in a con‐
              tinuation in fixed format.

       *      When converting from fixed format to free format, findent discards white space in a
              string if the string contains a continuation, e.g:
                    print *,"a

              is converted to:
                 print *,"a&

       *      Relabel issues
               In some cases, findent refuses to relabel.
               To see the cause, use the flag '--query-relabel=1', e.g.:
                findent --relabel=10,10 --query-relabel=1
               If  the  fortran source contains label-related errors, or when findent misbehaves,
              relabeling can create havoc. So: test.

       Donations to support the maintenance of this program are welcome:  https://paypal.me/wver‐

       This  is  free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO warranty; not

findent-4.3.5                                  2023                                    FINDENT(1)