Mythtv: grabbing
I use the excellent program tv_grab_nl_py from The developers devoted many manhours to create a program that grabs the program info from several websites. Documentation is adequate, no need to elaborate on that.
I use the following script to call the grabber and to insert the information into mythbackend:
LOGFILE=`mktemp --tmpdir mygrablog.XXXXX`
chmod a+r $LOGFILE
echo "mygrab logfile datum: `date`" > $LOGFILE
touch $OUTPUT # to fix error in grabber
logger "Starting $GRABBER"
$GRABBER --output $OUTPUT >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
for id in 1 3 ; do
/usr/bin/mythfilldatabase --only-update-guide \
--file --sourceid $id --xmlfile $OUTPUT >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
mv -f $OUTPUT $OUTPUT.old
logger "Grabbing ended."
Notice the for id in 1 3 ; do
: I have
digital and analog cards in my setup. id 1 is for the
analog and id 3 for the digital card.
How to find out which sourceid's you should use:
mysql mythconverg -u mythtv -p
select * from videosource;