Weps: a simple computer benchmark program.
Long time ago, I possessed an Atari 1040ST computer, equipped with a Fortran compiler, I forgot which one. On this system I developed Weps, a program that measures in some units ('Willems eenheden per seconde') the speed of the computer system, using one core, in combination with the compiler. Of course, much better benchmarking programs do exist, but, up until now, it has given me an impression of the performance of the system at hand without much effort.
Some historical numbers, all produced with N=800:
| year | where | system | brand | KWeps |
| 2006 | sara.nl | lisa system | Intel | 65505 |
| 2008 | sara.nl | huygens system | IBM | 83645 |
| 2008 | | my home system | AMD | 66923 |
| 2010 | sara.nl | lisa system | Intel | 197349 |
| 2012 | sara.nl | lisa system | Intel | 222301 |
| 2014 | sara.nl | cartesius system | Intel | 253483 |
| 2014 | surfsara.nl | lisa system | Intel | 299403 |
| 2014 | | my laptop | Intel | 363403 |
| 2016 | | PC in living room| Intel | 413654 |
| 2022 | | my PC | Intel | 471450 |
Forgive my complete ignorance about processor types: I tend to measure speed and ignore most hardware details.
Java, C, Matlab, Python and rust versions
Originally, the program was coded in Fortran. Stimulated by requests from my colleagues, I produced also versions for the languages C and even Java, Python, Matlab and rust. Once upon a time I even had a Java version running on my smart phone!
As to be expected, Python and Matlab run at lower speed. Rust, however, runs at the same speed as C.