
Download xsnow

The current version is 3.8.4.

Note1: xsnow has been tested and runs on Ubuntu 18.04, 19.04, 19.10, 20.04, Mint-19, Debian bookworm and Raspbian 11 (bullseye).

Note2: since version 3.1.2, xsnow should also compile and run on slackware-14.2. The user interface will be disabled and you have to use command-line flags.

Note3: since version 3.1.4, xsnow should also compile and run on fedora-33, even in combination with musl-libc-1.2.1

The file README in the tarball contains installation instructions.



 umask 022
 tar xf xsnow-3.8.4.tar.gz
 # Make sure you have installed the packages mentioned in the file xsnow-3.8.4/dependencies
 cd xsnow-3.8.4
 sudo make install

xsnow should now be installed as /usr/local/games/xsnow .

On sourceforge

sourceforge community choice Download xsnow sourceforge favorite

Previous versions are also available on sourceforge

Use your package manager

If you want to be on the safe side, install xsnow using your package manager, e.g. for Debian-like distributions (Ubuntu, Linux mint, ...):

  apt install xsnow

Understandable, the distributions often do not offer the newest version or even do not offer xsnow at all.


The current xsnow wouldn't have existed without Rick Jansen's xsnow-1.42. That version is still available here .