Drupal: dropdown and hover
For vertical menus, the standard drupal solution is good enough for me. For horizontal menus the standard solution looks very bad. One of the solutions is "superfish".
For Superfish, you need:
plugin superfish
module superfish
module Libraries
module jquery easing
plugin jquery.easing.1.3.js See jquery easing for installation instructions.
module jquery update
Follow the instructions on https://www.drupal.org/project/superfish.
Take care that the jquery version you set with "jquery update" is ** version 1.8 **.
admin->structure->blocks shows 4 superfish menus, ready for use. If you want more, configure the superfish module.
To bring Main menu under superfish control:
Place "Superfish 1" in "Header" Save and have a look. You will see two Main menu's, that is because superfish takes Main menu as default.
Remove the standard Main menu with the following css:
/* remove standard main menu */ #main-menu{ display: none; }
admin->structure->blocks->configure Superfish 1:
choose "spring" for "Style"
Experiment with Main menu: add some sub-menu-items, play with configuration.