The following buttons are available on most menus:
Defaults: Default settings for the
current menu.
Vintage: Vintage settings (i.e. like
in the original xsnow-1.42 version for the current
All defaults: Default settings for
all menus.
All vintage: Vintage settings for
all menus.
Hide menu: Minimize/Iconify the
Quit xsnow: Stop the program.
When you hover any button, an help text is shown.
Main menu
The welcome menu showing some general information. Note
the button Donate: this will lead you
to the PayPal site where you can donate a few bucks to
support the development of Xsnow.
Snow menu
Here the preferences for snow are set. In vintage-mode,
Rick-made snowflakes are shown. By default, you will
see randomly formed flakes.
Santa menu
Here you choose your favorite Santa, with or without
Rudolph (the red nosed reindeer). You can also
choose for a slower or speedier Santa. Also you can
choose for a train with Christmas' presents
Scenery menu
Choose here the scenery for the lower part of the
screen. In vintage mode, only the Xmas tree is
selected, the color of which you can set.
Celestials menu
Here you choose and influence items that have their
place in the sky, more or less. In vintage mode, all
but the wind is gone. You can choose to have an halo
around the moon. For the aurora (northern light) you
can set where it will appear (left, middle, right) and
you can specify the width, height, speed and
brightness. To mimic the long exposure times and time
lapses that are generally used when taking pictures and
films, crank up speed and brightness.
Birds menu
The birds originate from a separate project of mine,
hence the overwhelming number of settings. In short:
the birds are attracted to each other in space and
velocity. Also they try to go to the 'attraction
point'. If you are interested in this simulation, you
can choose for 'birds only' and fiddle with the
parameters. In vintage mode, there are no birds.
Settings menu
Here you set some global settings, some of which are to
compensate for misbehaviour of xsnow or window
managers. Moreover, you can opt for the standard theme
colors for the menus (Menu colors), let xsnow
run on all your workspaces or on only one (On all
workspaces) and let the animations take place over
your windows (Below windows). The latter will
not always work, so you will be asked for a
confirmational click.
After Xscreensaver you can set the background
to be used when Xsnow is started by Xscreensaver (for
details see the man page).